In the design of the KUN Visual Novel website, we referenced the interface designs of the following excellent websites, including:
In the initial design phase, we browsed a large number of well-designed web pages, and may have also referred to the designs of many other websites. However, we didn't keep records during extensive browsing, so we can't showcase them here.
In the development of the KUN Visual Novel website, we received strong support from the following individuals, including:
And many other individuals who supported us, as well as those who provided suggestions and corrections. We sincerely thank them here.
Our website adheres to the principles of moemoe (beautiful), open-source, and free. You can find our projects on GitHub:
Current version of the forum (V2):
Full-stack implementation with Nuxt3 + MongoDB kun-galgame-nuxt3
Decoupled forum (V1):
Frontend implemented with Vue3 + Vite + Typescript + Pinia: kun-galgame-vue
Backend implemented with Koa2 + Redis + Mongoose + MongoDB: kun-galgame-koa
Initial design draft of the forum:
Implemented with pure HTML + CSS: kun-galgame-pure-css
If you don't mind, you can give our GitHub projects a star as a token of your support.